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Exclusively Mushroom Pate. There is now a Vegan option!

9 Stoney St, London SE1 9AA / Venn St, London SW4 0AT / Elsworthy Rd, London NW3 3DS /  400 Oxford St, Marylebone, London W1A 1AB

Cuisine: French

Food Stall

Open: Thursday - Saturday

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Pate Moi.

Pate Moi is now one of Borough Market's most famous stalls. They sell mushroom pate exclusively (and now with a vegan option!) This small businesses has grown into something much bigger in recent years. They sell their gorgeous mushroom pate at Borough Market, Venn Street Market, Primrose Hill Market, and even at Selfridges on Oxford Street. They are rising to the top!

Flip Dunning is the owner of this great businesses. There is a great story behind this too. She was working long hours in an account managing job and decided she wanted a career change. She now works creating and selling these pots of mushroom pate for a living. How inspiring!

In a 2017 article by Minnie Brown she spoke about how rewarding it is to have her own child, Bay, working at these markets with her. Flip said that is had " been lovely exposure for her and it’s really second nature to her now. I love giving her that introduction to food, flavours and creative people".

The recipe for this delicious pate is a top family secret, but on their own website they have recipe ideas where you can incorporate their pate into dishes. The whole businesses has a really warm, family orientated atmosphere that makes the public want to buy from them. They represent the supportive small businesses that run places like Borough Market.

A pot of mushroomey goodness!

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